Brooklyn Tin by Merci of Paris

By Patterns, Wallpaper No Comments

Brooklyn Tin from NLXL is new wallpaper designed by Merci of Paris, France. It is designed to look like old painted tin tiles, found in ceilings and walls during the early 1900s. Love this very cool vintage and weathered looking wallpaper perfect for a wow effect in any room. In a hallway or as a headboard to your bed or why not try mixing a bit of vintage in a modern room and hang it on your ceiling! A bit odd you may say but it’s all about creating a tantalizing visual focal point in your home, right?

pics via NLXL andBodie&Fou


Keep happy everyone!!:-)))





By Lighting, Livingroom No Comments

If you want to make your home more personal, more lived in, try layering. Using layers of rugs on the floor on top of each other or beside each other, pumps up the wow effect in a room. It’s fun putting different lamps together on a side table but use low watt light bulbs of course otherwise they end up killing each other! Building pictures up together either leaning against a wall or arranged on a wall differently than you normally would. Even loads of pillows in different shapes and sizes are an awesome way of adding impact and personality to a room.  Play thats the trick and make your own rules!

via Pinterest
via 79Ideas


Don’t forget to have fun:-) Whatever you do!

See ya soon….




Make your own style

By Colours, Shelving No Comments

Yes I am still alive and kicking. Has been a while, I know, since my last post but things have been super busy. Not complaining at all just loving it all! Now I don’t like to go banging on about things but for a fantastic interior all we need is confidence! Whatever you do…do it with dignity, be fearless, dare to be different, ditch all the normality’s, mix up all the styles up and be just YOU! Be inspired by all that is around you. Use magazines, blogs, people, colours…add a bit of this and add a bit of that find your own personal style. And don’t forget to add a bit humor otherwise life is just too boring. Bang! You’ve got something to work on to make an awesome home!

pic via AbigailAhern


Have a great day everyone!




Teve hyllene

By My work No Comments

Teve Hylle fra Wiinberg i Danmark

Hei alle sammen,

Som avtalt sender jeg pris og litt info om Teve hyllene fra Wiinberg, Danmark.  Jeg følte meg veldig stolt av å kunne presentere Teve hyllen for aller første gang i Norge på Interiør&Bolig Messen i Grighallen siste helg.  Teve hyllene er laget av nydelig, solid utsøkt eik og hver enkelt hylle er håndlaget i en liten familiebedrift utenfor Kjøpenhavn hvor alle hyllene er laget med omhu og kjærlighet.  Dette er sjelden vare i dag.

Teve hyllene har utallige muligheter i bruk fra oppbevaring av bøker og magasiner, som nattbord, til utstilling av alt fra nips til blomster. Hyllene kan også  fungere utmerket som en romdeler. Mulighetene er mange, og det er ofte bare fantasien som setter grenser.

Da dette er første gang de er blitt presentert for det norske markedet, er de ikke tilgjengelig i butikkene ennå. Dersom det er noen som ønsker å kjøpe disse hyllene eller ønsker mer informasjon, kan dere ta kontakt med Heidi på epost  eller på telefon (+47 26242824). Wiinberg har også sin egen internettadresse(

Vedlagt har jeg lagt ved dansk prisliste inkl. norsk mva. I tillegg kommer frakt på 1128,- dkr per adresse. Så jo mer du bestiller dess rimelige blir det.

Hilsen fra meg i RoomDesign


 For dem som ønsker priser, send meg email din så kan jeg gjerne sender dem til deg:-)

Last years winner!

By My work No Comments

Pictures from last year’s winner of ‘Win an interior consultant for one day’ A stairwell was the inspiration for the day. Many thoughts, ideas and tricks were given and the final result is you can see under. The stairs were originally in pine so it was time for facelift! The wallpaper is a very beautiful grey colour with delicate lighter grey branches running through it. It is slightly shiny on the surface to create a little reflection of light up the stairs. The actual stairs were painted in matching grey and the rest in glossy white. An Eames RAR rocking chair from Vitra plus a Gregg table/floor lampshade from Foscarini were placed under the stairs.  VERY NICE!


Thanks Monica for a brilliant day we had together!

See ya soon:-)




By My work No Comments

The winner of ‘WIN AN INTERIOR CONSULTANT’ for one day is Roald Henne. Yohooo!!  On sunday at the end of the trade fair I got Vicky from Livingfourseasons blogg to draw out the lucky winner. Congratulations Roald! I think it is going to be an awesome day with loads and advise and tips for a problem area in your home (which I know we ALL have!).

Pic via Pinterest


Have a happy day everyone!!!



Danish design meets Bergens’ Interior trade fair

By Furniture, Happenings, My work No Comments

RoomDesign is big on individualism for an interior.  Our very own interior style is an evolving thing that can last all our lives. It NEVER stops! Don’t you agree we all want that kick ass interior that mirrors you and what you are?  Individual as you are and not just look like it comes from out from an interior magazine. We need a little confidence…and a little fun.

And speaking of individualism, while I was on a course in Denmark before summer this year I meet a fantastic girl who designs these beautifully made shelves with her husband. The form and design caught my eye instantly, and then and there knew I just have to show off these exclusive shelves at my stand at the fair. And Heidi agreed! Retro designed, individual and classic enough in style to hold for many years to come.  Stack them, decide which legs you want, build your very own designed shelf unit to your own needs, its limitless! It’s the first time the shelves are shown exclusively on the Norwegian market. Now unfortunately she is unable to come to the fair but is entrusting me with the task of presenting her shelves :-)))

So come and see these beautiful shelves at RoomDesigns stand.

Looking at individualism at its best for furniture design.

Heidi Wiinberg


Have a fun and wonderful monday:-)))




By My work 2 Comments

Its Friday…yoohoo…and today I’m thankful for all and everyone of you that follows me on my blog and my work on facebook. I reackon…

in the world!!!!


xxx Lisa.