Getting round the round table!

By 2. april 2013Kitchen

I must say I like the idea of having a round dinner table. And for many reasons! When sitting at a round table you are guaranteed that you are facing everyone at the table. Very socialable, right?  Round tables in fact cut down the square-ness of the room thus making the room look bigger than it really is. Absolutely brilliant in a smaller room, right? Food on the table is more reachable. No ‘pass me the salt, please’, right? And not many people opt for round tables these days so that makes me want one, right? Jepp! Too much square-ness going on in the world!What do you say -like the round table or lump it?

round table 01kitchenrund

pic via my kitchen/ pinterest


Just a thought for the day;-)

Have a great day everyone!

-Hugs Lisa



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